November 2021
How to Kill Your Buck in the Month of November
Posted by Jay Everett on

The best days of the year for the deer hunter are finally here! It’s time to make the most of the opportunities in the weeks ahead. But how will you capitalize on those opportunities? Here’s a look at how to kill your biggest buck in the month of November. Scout and Find the Freshest Sign Finding deer sign won’t kill big bucks. You need to find the freshest sign. Old rubs, tracks, poop and other sign reveal where the deer were in the weeks past. You’ve got to dig deeper to find the freshest sign, the stuff that tells you...
How Social Media is Putting the Hurt on Hunting
Posted by Jay Everett on

Social media is a sharp, double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can be a magnificent tool to connect with people you would otherwise have never met a couple short decades ago. On the other hand, it can be a post-apocalyptic, dystopian wasteland that sucks the joy out of everything in life. Okay, that might be putting it a bit harshly, but there have been enough studies done on the downsides of social media that I don’t need to dig into all of that here. What I will say is that when it comes to the world of hunters, there...
Four Reasons to Introduce Your Child to the Treestand This Season
Posted by Jay Everett on

I recently took my youngest son to the woods for his first deer hunt from the treestand. It was a monumental moment in his hunting career that, no doubt, paid off in big rewards toward the advancement of his hunting skills. It was a good move. A move I highly recommend every parent or guardian make as well. Here’s a look at four reasons to introduce your child to the treestand this season. Stoking the Fire My son has been hunting for the last couple months from the ground blind. It’s all he’s known since he first started hunting several...