October 2021 Newsletter
Is October the Best Time to Kill a Buck?
Posted by Jay Everett on

Ask most any deer hunter what weeks they prefer to hunt the most, and you’ll probably hear about days in the month of November. The rutty bucks of November tend to get all the love and respect by most hunters. But truth be known, there are other times that can prove to be more consistent when it comes to killing a good buck year after year. Just ask Todd Graf. In case you missed it, Graf just killed a beautiful Illinois buck. It was the kind of heavyweight buck we dream about all year long. Was it just another coincidental...
Doe Management: When and What Should You Shoot?
Posted by Jay Everett on

When archery seasons kick off each year, many bowhunters head to the stand with a green light to shoot the first doe that walks up. But is the early season the best time to shoot does on your property? And what doe is the best doe to shoot for your management goals? In the video below, Brian Murphy sheds some light on doe management, when to shoot does, and what doe is the best to shoot. Check out the video here: Reducing Deer Density For density control, Murphy recommends shooting does as early as possible in the season. “Shoot them...
Two Trophy Bucks in Under 24 Hours
Posted by Jay Everett on

The Georgia bow season kicked off this past week amidst warm temperatures and unfavorable conditions across the south. And while some bowhunters stayed at the house waiting on cooler temperatures, others climbed into the stand for the annual kickoff to the best days of the year. For one hunter, in particular, the time in the stand paid off big. In fact, in less than 24 hours, two buck tags were punched, and the season ended as quickly as it started. It was the story for Jake Wesley of Georgia. His season ended in 23 hours with two Pope & Young...