January 2022
Post-Season Chores for Deer Hunters
Posted by Jay Everett on

Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? This basic quandary seems simple enough. We have all likely heard this phrase uttered on multiple occasions throughout our lives, and although sensible in nature, we often find ourselves taking the opposite approach on a day-to-day basis. It is simply human nature to wait until the last minute to tackle a task that could have long since been completed, had we taken the initiative. However, this principle does not just apply to household chores and honey-do lists. Often, we as hunters, find ourselves pushing a number of our pre-season chores...
Best Dogs for Finding Shed Antlers
Posted by Jay Everett on

A hunter and his (or her) dog. Throughout history, few topics have been more romanticized than this, and for good reason. The bond that exists between hunter and dog is magical, made even more so by the pursuit of wild game. Recent trends, though, have added a new twist as many have realized that “man’s best friend” can assist them in the deer woods, too. Shed hunting has long been a popular spring pastime, but finding shed antlers isn’t exactly easy. Dropped antlers can get buried in leaves and debris and be hard to spot in thick cover. A good...
Hunting the Late Rut in the Deep South
Posted by Jay Everett on

The November rut has come and gone leaving only memories – and hopefully freezer meat – behind. But for some deer hunters, the rut is in full swing. That’s right! If you drive far enough south you’ll find that deer in the Deep South rut in the months of January and even February. But the question is, why do deer rut late in the Deep South? How is it that some deer can rut in one month, and just a few hours down the road, they rut a month later? For the answer, I reached out to Dr. Steve...